Asia has something for everyone
Ideal for first-time solo travellers as well as those seasoned backpackers looking for something different, Asia has something for everyone.
Shiny new steel and glass skyscrapers with rooftops for the ultimate sundowner views in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Rice fields with oxen, and rivers and creeks with water buffalo cooling off in the midday sun across Cambodia.
Traffic jams of epic proportions with brand-new cars, creaking buses, and swarms of scooters in Saigon and Hanoi, Vietnam. Monks in saffron- and burgundy-coloured robes lining up at dawn for alms in Luang Prabang, Laos.
Elephants and monkeys in Thailand. Waterfalls, mountains and temples in Myanmar.
Explore laid-back rural communities and towns, zip around fast-paced cities, delve into rich history and culture, or while away time watching the world go by.
There are so many things to explore and so many ways to do it that Asia will never tire or disappoint. Ideal for first-time solo travellers as well as those seasoned backpackers looking for something different, Asia really does have something for everyone.
