Humpback whales, sharks and rays, remarkable people, and a stroll around the faded elegance of Maputo

Road trip in Mozambique

Mozambique is not the first place you think of when planning a road trip. It wasn’t for me either, and I first arrived as part of a volunteer project to help build a primary school back in 2008. Living in a small village for a month, I got to know the local community, the kids at the school, and the people determined to improve their prospects through education. I was hooked!

I went back a few months later to do a road trip with friends. We drove from colonial Inhambane through the lagoons of Bilene and down to elegant Maputo. There were so many humpback whales surfacing to breathe and sending water spraying into the air, that I lost count, watching them from the beach. I dived with reef sharks, rays and more fish than I’ve ever seen on any dive anywhere in the world. I watched flamingos take to the sky and fly in formation. Almost every day, I ate freshly caught fish and seafood and sucked the sweetness out of sugar cane. I watched the sun rise over the Indian Ocean and watched it set over the coconut trees.

Interested in finding out more about what makes Mozambique such a unique destination? Sign up for the details as soon as they’re published.

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