Starting out on your travels?

Useful resources to make the most of your next trip

Starting to plan a solo trip can be a daunting process whether it’s your first time or you’re an old pro at it. Each trip will be unique, and the reason why you decided to do it in the first place. Similarly, each destination and type of trip – holiday, short/long-term backpacking, completely alone or with friends or family – will be different and your preparation will differ too. If you’re new to solo travelling these pages packed with useful resources are designed to make that initial preparation easier. 

Not sure where to go but know that you want to travel? Here are 6 steps to choosing your next destination. Want to know how to get hold off, manage and keep your money safe while on the road? Take a look at money matters while you’re on the road. Need to choose a backpack or want to know what to pack? All that and more are here on these pages!

From tips on how to stay safe while travelling solo to deciding where to stay and whether street food is safe to eat, you’ll find everything you need to get you on the road and keep you safe and comfortable while you’re travelling.

Is there something you’d like to know more about but can’t find it here? Anything else that you’d like me to cover? Let me know!